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Product Tour

The Social Bookmarking Experience

Experience the future of bookmarking with Favuo. Our innovative platform combines social features with seamless bookmarking, revolutionizing how you save and share your favorite content. Watch our video to see how Favuo brings your bookmarks to life!


Explore Favuo's Features

Discover how Favuo enhances your bookmarking experience with a range of intuitive tools and functionalities designed to streamline organization, foster community engagement, and elevate your online presence.

Add Bookmarks

Effortlessly save and organize your favorite resources, articles, and websites, keeping all your important links in one place.

Custom Domain

Elevate your online presence with a custom domain, giving your profile a professional and branded look.

Create A Newsletter

Engage your audience and share curated content with ease by creating and sending newsletters directly from the platform.

Add Your Startups

Showcase your startups and projects by adding descriptions, links, and images, creating a portfolio of your ventures.

Display Startup Revenues

Track the revenue generated from your startups using Stripe API integration, providing valuable insights into your business's performance.

Display Startup In Community Tab

Increase visibility and networking opportunities by featuring your startups in the community tab, connecting with like-minded individuals and potential collaborators.